
CyberLens Writeup

CyberLens Writeup


This is an easy challenge box on TryHackMe. It’ll take 5 minutes to boot up

This is what a hint will look like!



First we should add the following to /etc/hosts so we can access the domain

MACHINE_IP cyberlens.thm


Now let’s see what ports and services are available to us with a port scan

rustscan -a VICTIM_IP -- -A -oA scan -sC

scan1 scan2 scan3

There are quite a few ports open! This is normal for a Windows box. We only need to pay attention to two ports

  • 80: HTTP
  • 61777: HTTP

Web Server

Visit all the web servers and proxy their traffic

Let’s visit the homepage and see what is available

image extractor

Seems like there’s a service that extracts metadata from a file. Let’s send a test file and proxy the request through Burp

extraction test

burp port

We get a decent amount of information here. We see that the file is being parsed by Apache Tika and the service sends a PUT request to port 61777

In our inital port scan we saw this port running HTTP so let’s visit that endpoint

tika version

So this is where the tika service is being hosted and we’re also given a version!

Initial Foothold

Look for public exploits with a version number

We have a service name and version so let’s use searchploit to see if we have any exploits

searchsploit tika

There’s a command injection exploit for versions 1.15 - 1.17! This is available as a module on metasploit so let’s use that to make things easier.

We can start metasploit with the command


Then we can find and use the module we want with the search command

search tika
use 0

msf tika

Now we need to set the options for the modules. Available options can be seen with the show options command. The format for setting options is


For example to set the target port RPORT to 61777 we would run

set RPORT 61777

Repeat this for all the required options. In the end it should look like something like this

msf options

Now we run the module with the run command and hope we get a shell


Perfect! Now we can read user.txt on CyberLens’ desktop

cat Users\\CyberLens\\Desktop\\user.txt

user flag


Use metasploit’s local exploit suggester

Now that we’re on the box we should try to escalate our privileges. Fortunately, we’re in a meterpreter shell and metasploit has a module for that!

To use it we need to background our meterpreter shell


Then we search for the module and set the options just like the first metasploit module we used to gain a foothold onto the system

search exploit suggester
use 0

exploit suggester

After running the module we see that the target is vulnerable to exploit/windows/local/always_install_elevated. Let’s use that module and see if it escalates our privileges


It works! We have an Administrator shell now so we can read the admin flag

cat Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\admin.txt

admin flag


By investigating open HTTP ports on 80 and 61777 we were able to find a vulnerable service. Using searchsploit we were able to find an exploit module on metasploit which gave us a foothold onto the system. Using metasploit’s local exploit suggester we were able to escalate to Administrator privileges.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.