
Gotta Catch'em All Writeup

Gotta Catch'em All Writeup


This is an easy challenge box on TryHackMe.

This is what a hint will look like!



Let’s start with a port scan to see open ports and services

rustscan -a VICTIM_IP -- -A -os scan -sC



We have two open ports

  • 22: SSH
  • 80: HTTP

Web Server

View the homepage source and find credentials

Let’s visit the web server on port 80 and see what we can find


Looks like it’s running an Apache webserver. We can run subdirectory bruteforcing to find hidden files on the server but our foothold into the server is already present! Next we should check the source of the homepage

pokemon src

A colon is usualy used to separate a username from a password. By ignoring the tags we have a potential username and password!

We can also check what’s printed in the console

web console

Cute it’s a list of gen 1 pokemon. There isn’t anything else to find here so don’t get too distracted

Initial Foothold

Use the credentials to ssh into the server

Grass Type Flag

Search pokemon’s home directory

There are a few folders in pokemon’s home directory. We can check the first level of all of these folders using ls and a wildcard

ls *

pokemon dirs

The Desktop directory has an interesting zip file, so let’s check its contents

cd ~/Desktop

grass unzip

It has the grass type flag! We can read a file’s content with the cat command

cd P0kEm0n
cat grass-type.txt

grass hex

Seems like the flag has been encoded into hex. We can decode this (and the other flags) with cyberchef

grass flag

Water Type Flag

Where are the web server files located?

Next we should check the web server files. This is usually located in /var/www/html so let’s see if there is anything interesting

water rot

It’s the water type flag! It’s encoded again so let’s use cyberchef with the ROT 13 Brute Force option

water flag

Two flags down, two more to go

Horizontal Escalation

Check all the folders in pokemon’s home directory

When we first checked pokemon’s home directory there was another folder in the Videos directory

pokemon dirs

Let’s traverse this directory to the bottom and read any files we find

ash creds

The colon makes a comeback and it gives us credentials for the ash user! We can switch users with the command

su ash


What sudo privileges does our new user have?

Now that we’re a new user we should see what privileges we have. We can check if we can run any sudo commands by using the -l flag

sudo -l

ash sudo

We have full sudo permissions! We can escalate to root by running su with sudo

sudo su

ash root

We can access everything on the server now so let’s start looking for flags

Fire Type Flag

Search the server for a flag with the find command

Since we don’t know where the flag is located we can use the find command which can search for the name of a file in a directory. By specifying the / directory we can search the entire server and we’re looking for a txt file with fire in its name

find / -type f -name "*fire*.txt" -ls 2>/dev/null

find fire

We found it! Let’s read it with cat

fire b64

Now let’s decode it with cyberchef and the Base64 option

fire flag

Root Flag

Check the /home directory

The root flag is usually in /root/root.txt but it isn’t there! We can check the directories of other users in /home but by checking this directory we immediately find the flag

root flag


By investigating the source of the web server’s homepage we were able to find ssh credentials to gain a foothold into the system. Enumerating common directories lead us to the first two flags. They were in a zip file and the web server’s default directory. Further enumeration gave us the credentials of the ash user. By checking ash’s sudo permissions we were able to escalate our privileges to root. Using find and investigating the /home directory we were able to obtain the final two flags.

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